
CreAMy & CRuncHy CaBBage wITh Avocado

What do you need:

1 small red cabbage
Remember for this salad, you need to 'cure' the cabbage at least an hour before putting all the ingredients together.
1/2 big Dominican avocado
1 fennel
juice of 1/2 lemon
3 tbsp of grape oil or substitute
2 tsp of olive oil
kosher salt

Cut the cabbage on Juliana and sprinkle with kosher salt. Leave it for a hour. You can leave it for more time, but no more than 3 hours, it will taste to soggy. The cabbage need to be tender.
Rinse thoroughly, it should taste nicely salty!

Now that the cabbage is ready, cut on Juliana the fennel, add the avocado on chunks, add the juice of the lemon and the oil.

Let me know what do you think, cHW

Repollo Cremoso con Hinojo y Palta


1 repollo colorado chiquito cortado en juliana
Acordarse de curarlo una hora antes con sal gruesa:)
1 palta grande cortada en trozos
1 hinojo cortado en juliana
jugo de 1/2 limon
3 cds de aceite de uva u otro aceite vegetal suave
2 cdta aceite de oliva

Una vez que el repollo se haya curado, al cabo de una hora o dos, no mas de tres horas sino queda gomoso, tiene que estar crispy, como cocido sin llegar a estar chicle. Enjuagar y escurrir. Tiene que quedar saladito. Agregar el hinojo cortado en juliana tambien, y la palta en trozos. Agregarle aceite, salt y el jugo de limon.

Listo para servir y para comer. Decime si podes dejar de comer!!!

Que lo disfrutes:)


VEGeTarian LaSagna ergo LaSagna sin CArne

The VEGy-Tharian L'Ssagna


1/2 box of la'Sagna
2 hands full of green beans
1 tbsp of lard
1 medium onion

1 stalk of
2 medium carrots
3 little peppers
1 pinch of salt
2 tblsp of sugar
1 can of sweet potato on syrup

2 tbsp alcaparras

To Work:

Star boiling water to cook 1/2 box of la'Sagna
Cook 2 hands full of green beans, whole -al dente-->5" after boiling- do no overcook

In a big saucepan hit:
1 tbsp of lard
cut 1 medium onion on chucks, and through it
, then cut on sticks
2 medium carrots
, then cut on sticks
1 stalk of
add 1/4 water
, then cut on chunks
3 little peppers, add salt -2 tsp + 1 tblsp of sugar
trough the drain green peas
, then drain
, and add it
1 can of sweet potato on syrup
2 tbsp alcaparras
move a little bit and wait , 4"

turn off the fire.
leave it where it is

Is by cutting and putting until you put the sweet potato, cook for 3 " more on turn off the fire. everything on this order on a saucepan
do not overcook.

N0W: make 4 cups of béChamel sauce , yes , a lot

Ones the béChamel is done, star putting all together

In a big oval piRex -0k rectangular 16" pan drip a little bit of vegetable oil and two tblsp of béChamel sauce.
place a layer of lasagna
through the stuffing on top
cover with lasagna
Publish Post

put another layer of pasta
cover again with béChamel sauce
sparkling with parMesan cheese -optional

try to s'T0p eating at some point,
love always, cHW


oH-Live ta'Penaah

What do you need:

* 8 oz kalamata olives, pitted and minced
* 3 garlic cloves, minced
* 2 tbsp capers, rinsed and drained
* 2 tbsp minced fresh Italian parsley
* 1 minced anchovy filled
* 2 tsp minced lemon peel
* ground pepper
* 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

How to do it:
1. In a food processor minced the olives, capers, garlic and parsley.
2. Combine with anchovy, lemon peel, and black pepper.
3. Add extra virgin olive oil and mix thoroughly.

You get around 1/2 cup, is delicious!!!!!!!!!! Ilove'it

I got the recipe from The George Mateljan Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests, is a new force for change to help make a healthier you and a healthier world. Thnx!!


TogETher $alad

1 Fennel 1 hinojo
1 Yellow Apple 1 manzana verde o amarilla
1 radish 1 rabanito grande
juice of a 1/2 lemon jugo de medio limon
3 tbsp. blue cream cheese 3 cds de roqueford suave
2 tbsp. olive oil 2 cds aceite de oliva
2 tbsp. grape oil 2 cds aceite de uva

Cut the fennel the radish,salt, add cheese, grape oil lemon and olive oil.

Cortar el hinojo en juliana, rallar el rabanito, mezclar. Agregarle el queso, la sal y el aceite.


HaWAi-ian BreAD


4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 oz. or 20 grs. fresh yeast
1 can (8 oz.) can crushed pineapple
1/4 brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter melted
1 medium banana mashed
1 egg, beaten


In a bowl, combine fresh yeast with 1/2 cup of flour and a tbsp. of sugar, mixed let raise.

In a big bowl, put all the dry ingredients.

In an small saucepan, put the juice of the pineapple* to melt the butter with the sugar and salt. Don't boil, just warmmmmm.
* -drain the pineapple as much as possible!
-you should have 1 1/2cup of juice, add 1/2 of water
Set aside.

Tour the oven to 350º.

Pour into the dry ingredients, add the egg. Beat slow for 3 ", add the crushed pineapple and the banana beat high for 2" more.
You should get a soft sticky dough, kind of cakes dough.

Cover with towel and let raise 1/2 hour.
Put down and fill 2 pudding dishes oiled and floured.

Bake for 45" until golden. Cool for 5" and remove from dish.
Better to eat the next day. Aloha!!!

hAwaiian SWEet IsLand


2 medium/large sweet potatoes, cook and drained
3 mashed bananas
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt


brown sugar
corn flakes
1/4 melted butter
grated coco


Preheat oven to 350º.
Mix the ingredients and put in a buttered baking dish. You should spread it, like 1/2" of thickness.
On top put the sugar, the corn flakes, coco and then pour the melted butter.
Bake for 40-45".

Serve ideal hot with vanilla ice cream:) nice!!!!