What do you need:
1 small red cabbage
Remember for this salad, you need to 'cure' the cabbage at least an hour before putting all the ingredients together.
1/2 big Dominican avocado
1 fennel
juice of 1/2 lemon
3 tbsp of grape oil or substitute
2 tsp of olive oil
kosher salt
Cut the cabbage on Juliana and sprinkle with kosher salt. Leave it for a hour. You can leave it for more time, but no more than 3 hours, it will taste to soggy. The cabbage need to be tender.
Rinse thoroughly, it should taste nicely salty!
Now that the cabbage is ready, cut on Juliana the fennel, add the avocado on chunks, add the juice of the lemon and the oil.
Let me know what do you think, cHW
Repollo Cremoso con Hinojo y Palta
1 repollo colorado chiquito cortado en juliana
Acordarse de curarlo una hora antes con sal gruesa:)
1 palta grande cortada en trozos
1 hinojo cortado en juliana
jugo de 1/2 limon
3 cds de aceite de uva u otro aceite vegetal suave
2 cdta aceite de oliva
Una vez que el repollo se haya curado, al cabo de una hora o dos, no mas de tres horas sino queda gomoso, tiene que estar crispy, como cocido sin llegar a estar chicle. Enjuagar y escurrir. Tiene que quedar saladito. Agregar el hinojo cortado en juliana tambien, y la palta en trozos. Agregarle aceite, salt y el jugo de limon.
Listo para servir y para comer. Decime si podes dejar de comer!!!
Que lo disfrutes:)
how about hand harvested celtic sea salt instead of processed kosher salt? hand harvested sea salt contains many trace elements we are unable to get from our foods and conventional salt processes out these elements for industrial use.
sounds good, I will try it! thnxs:)
Good day!
It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
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